Thank You for Celebrating Heroes with Us in 2016!

We had a year of records and celebration with over 1,100 pregnancy help leaders in attendance at the 2016 Heartbeat International Annual Conference. If you missed anything, recordings of Workshops and Keynotes are now available for purchase here. Check out this video recap and review below!




45th Annual Heartbeat International Conference

Atlanta, Georgia | March 29 - March 31, 2016

Conference Schedule | Exhibitor Information

 Prayer and Worship | Keynotes | Workshops | In-Depth Day | Conference Brochure 


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Schedule at a Glance for 2016 Conference

Monday, March 28
5-7pm - Registration for Pre-Conference In-Depth Day

Tuesday, March 29
Pre-Conference In Depth Day (paid registration is separate)
8:00am - Registration
9:00 to 5:00pm - In Depth Day training
2:00pm - Conference Attendee Registration Opens
2:00pm - Exhibit Hall Opens
6:00pm - Annual Conference Opening Session (Dinner & Keynote)

Wednesday, March 30
8:30am - Morning Session & Keynote
Workshop Session A
12:00pm - Lunch & Keynote
Workshop Session B
Break & Prayer Time

Thursday, March 31
8:30am - Morning Session & Keynote
Workshop Session C
12:00pm - Lunch & Keynote
Workshop Session D
Workshop Session E
6:00pm - Closing Banquet (Dinner & Keynote)

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  Early Bird Pricing
ends Feb 17
Regular Pricing
Feb 18 - March 4
Late Pricing 
after March 5
In-Depth Day Only $145 $155 $165

In-Depth Day and Opening Dinner

$220 $240 $260
2016 Annual Conference $389 $489 $589
Conference Bundle $499 $599 $699



We are glad to welcome Keynote speakers for the 2016 Heartbeat International Annual Conference, who are key leaders in the pregnancy help movement, as well as prolife leaders from around the United States.


The 2016 Heartbeat International Annual Conference offered a rich lineup of workshops, with a total of 75 workshops organized in 15 distinct tracks. Two tracks (Medical Advancement and Ultrasound Advancement) were tailored for nurses and medical professionals in the pregnancy help community, and offered Continuing Education Nursing Contact Hours provided through Heartbeat International. Two additional workshops (Helping Mom and Baby Bond and Fertility Awareness and the New Feminism) were also available for Continuing Education Nursing Contact Hours. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.25 contact hours each workshop. All courses are eligible for Life-Affirming Specialist credit hours.


In-Depth Day (March 29)

The 2016 Annual Conference experience started with 15 different In-Depth Day opportunities. This exclusive all-day training went from 9 am to 5 pm with an inspirational keynote at lunch.

Prayer Team and Worship

Thank you to our worship team and on-site prayer team for the 2016 Heartbeat International Annual Conference. 

Aaron Keyes and Taylor Breen from 10,000 Fathers Worship School opened our Wednesday and Thursday morning general sessions with worship in song, setting the stage for a power-packed week of growth, enrichment and encouragement with fellow front-line lifesavers.

Pray 1-on-1 (or with your staff) alongside prayer warriors who have volunteered their time to encourage you and lift you up at our Conference. You can sign up for this great opportunity on site at our registration table.

Order Recordings from the 2016 Conference here!