Option Line Reaches 3 Million Calls! A Praise, A Prayer, An Action


On Thursday afternoon, Feb. 22, 2018, Option Line answered a live chat from “Jennifer,” a 19-year-old in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 

As God would have it, Jennifer is the 3 millionth person to cry out for help since Option Line first answered the call in 2003.

We want to tell you a bit about Jennifer, and invite you to join us in praying for Jennifer, her baby and family in this time of great need. And one more thing: We want to ask you to check your listing on OptionLine.org to make sure we have the latest information, so we can connect women just like Jennifer to life-saving help.

Now, to Jennifer’s story:

Realizing she was pregnant, Jennifer had found Option Line—our 24-7, 365 helpline (1-800-712-HELP and OptionLine.org)—by searching online for help.

Even though it was well into the evening by the time Jennifer reached out, Option Line was ready to help her. In seconds, she was chatting with "Melinda," one of our professionally trained consultants who’s answered over 45,000 cries for help.

Melinda has two goals with each woman she helps: 

First, she prayerfully works to calm the woman’s initial fears, as well as ask and answer any questions she can.

Second, she does everything in her power to encourage that woman to get help at a local pregnancy center.

As they chatted, Jennifer said she felt caught between the “right” thing to do and the “easy” thing to do. She just wanted to get this whole thing behind her.

Melinda prayed, listened, and asked questions to help Jennifer feel empowered to make a decision for life.

Before they ended the chat, Melinda offered to connect Jennifer directly with A Hope Center—a Heartbeat International affiliate—in Fort Wayne. As she so often does, Melinda also offered to pray for Jennifer and reassured her that she’s not alone.

Will you join us in praying for Jennifer this week?

Also, will you check your listing on OptionLine.org? You can just visit the site and enter your zip code to check your information. If anything’s missing or incorrect, please send updates to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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