Thank You Video Messages!

Thank You Email









He wants to help and hope to those hurting and you do that every single day.
Betty McDowell and Jor-El Godsey!
from Heartbeat International.

David Bereit - I appreciate you

Kristan Hawkins - I want to truly thank you for being on the frontlines

Jeanne Mancini - We are praying for you

Special Message from Anne Pierson

Jay Hobbs - Every day, you are doing the work that God has called you to do

Thank you from Sandy Shoshani, Be'ad Chaim Israel
from Heartbeat International

Thank you from Congressman Andy Harris! 
Heartbeat International

"You do life-saving work for God's Glory!"
Heartbeat Board Member, Shiney Daniel from Heartbeat International.

"Thank you for your dedication and service." 
Heartbeat Board Member, Keith Armato
from Heartbeat International.

"God bless you for the work you do today and all year long."
Heartbeat Board Member, John Wootton
from Heartbeat International.

"You are making a difference."
Heartbeat Board Member, Sherry Wright
from Heartbeat International.

"You are the heroes!"
Heartbeat Board Member, Zeke Swift
from Heartbeat International.

"Your labor will not be in vain. You matter & you are saving lives!"
Heartbeat Board Member, Derek McCoy
from Heartbeat International.

"Thank you for helping women, children and families."
Heartbeat Board Member, Gary Thome!
from Heartbeat International.