Healthcare Worker

Serving as a nurse or other medical professional in a pregnancy help medical clinic can be of a great benefit to clients and the organization. Physicians can serve as medical directors, which allows organizations to offer medical support such as ultrasound, STI/STD testing, pre-natal care, ormore. Nurses and sonographers, with the appropriate training, can provide ultrasound scans, pregnancy tests, and more. Even oustide individual medical clinics, healthcare providers can join the Abortion Pill Rescue Network to help women who are hoping to save their children after starting a chemical abortion as prescribing providers or hotline consultants.

Heartbeat International has a fantastic array of courses available online through the Heartbeat Academy just for nurses in need of CEUs as well. Here is a simple way to gain additional skills and knowledge valuable to your position and ministry in the pregnancy center while obtaining those Contact Hours you need to keep your license active.

Opportunities for training or supporting the pregnancy help movement for healthcare workers: