Displaying items by tag: Security Considerations for Your Pregnancy Help Organization

Security Considerations for Your Pregnancy Help Organization

Cyber Security

As many of you are aware, cyber attacks have been, and will continue to be, waged against the pregnancy help community. 

One method Heartbeat has observed is flooding center schedulers with fake appointment requests so that legitimate requests can't be entered. Another is flooding review sites (such as Yelp or Google) with negative reviews. 

While we've talked before about inviting positive reviews from your actual clients and reporting reviews that are clearly by people who have never visited your organization, the experts at Next Level want to make sure you know about the best way to challenge tactics that target schedulers.

Next Level has implemented a Captcha function for their self-service Center Scheduler feature to mitigate this threat.The goal of Captcha is to ensure all appointment requesters come from humans, not bots or scripts spamming a system. In other words, visitors to a center's website that uses Next Level must answer a Captcha challenge correctly in order to request an appointment (like many websites require to comment, create an account, or schedule an appointment). (See the image below for an example.)

If you've found this tactic preventing your clients from being able to schedule appointments, or just want to be proactive about preventing it, reach out to your online scheduling provider and ask about adding Captcha. If you find yourself wanting a CMS made specifically for pregnancy help organizations, check out NextLevelCMS.com to find out what Heartbeat has to offer!

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Five Ways to Protect Your Pregnancy Help Organization

Since the overturning of Roe with the Dobbs decision, pregnancy help organizations have found themselves more and more often in the crosshairs of abortion advocates. Accusing our life-saving work of deceiving women, being careless with confidential information, and impersonating abortion clinics, the rage against pregnancy help centers ignited in June of 2022.

For the most part, the rage and anger have slowed since then, but often anniversaries (like the Dobbs decision day of June 24), holidays, and even long weekends can bring a resurgence of physical and/or digital attacks and harrassment. 

While we may be the target of their anger, we are not the true reason.

“Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. They will do all this to you because of me, for they have rejected the one who sent me.” John 15:20-21 NLT

After all, we have been helping women overcome the obstacles that force them into the profiteering practice of abortion for the over fifty years. Our motivation has never been the politics but the practical need every woman has to be loved and supported in her pregnancy. Our joy is helping her, and our reward is fulfilling the call to love her through her valley of decision.

“God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.” Matthew 5:11 NLT

Persecution is no fun, but it does bring “great reward” ahead! In the midst of it, we can also realize the reward of being a partner with Christ.

“Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.” 1 Peter 4:12-13 NLT

Along with the proper spiritual perspective of protests and persecutions we can take practical steps to protect ourselves and our centers in preparing for increased protest activities.


Security systems are highly recommended. Especially those that use cameras to capture activity in and around your building (if you have your own building). Having cameras may not fully dissuade negative activity but they can help in showing criminal activity to law enforcement. 


Policy and protocols are helpful to protect our personnel as much as they help protect the ministry. Consider adopting some practices, at least for this heightened season, like having at least two people in the pregnancy center.at a time and having training for anyone who might interact with clients that includes identifying fake clients.


Should protestors assemble it might be helpful to contact local law enforcement and advise them of the situation. If peaceful you might just use the “non-emergency” number and explain the situation as you see it. Of course, if protesters begin to harass or threaten anyone or anything (verbally or physically) report this immediately to the authorities. In addition, threats of violence or vandalism of a PHO can be reported to your local FBI Field Office and/or submitted through the FBI Tip Line at FBI.gov. Sometimes this prompts a faster response than a local Police Department can or would provide. The FBI is taking this very seriously and has an open investigation on Jane's Revenge. Click here for an FBI resource booklet.


Have your property insurance information handy. Should vandalism occur, right after reporting the incident to law enforcement you might want to be ready to reach out to your insurance provider to discuss filing a claim.


This is last on this list, but it is the greatest. Prayer is our partnership with God in fulfilling His Will for our lives, this ministry, and the life-affirming outcomes He desires. Prayer is power for the spiritual warfare that is part and parcel of the landscape in which we serve. We are called to pray even for our “enemies” (Mt 5:44). Fortunately, we know that we are on God’s side and can fully trust in Him to walk with us and work through us.

The Lord will also be a stronghold for the oppressed, A stronghold in times of trouble; And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, For You, Lord, have not abandoned those who seek You. Psalm 9:9-10 NASB

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Five More Ways to Protect Your Pregnancy Help Organization

by Danielle White, Esq.Security
General Counsel, Heartbeat International

Since the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, abortion advocates have worked hard to make pregnancy help organizations public enemy number one. One would think that those claiming to care about pregnant women would not direct their violence at the very locations that support pregnant women. But unfortunately, we are not talking about reasonable people.

On Sunday, May 8, 2022, pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action was attacked with Molotov cocktails and the building set fire. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Shortly thereafter, an organization calling itself “Jane’s Revenge” claimed responsibility for the attack. While Wisconsin Family Action is not a pregnancy center, “Jane’s Revenge” called the attack “only a warning” and demanded the “disbanding of all anti-choice establishments, fake clinics [an extremist term for pregnancy centers offering help and hope to women] and violent anti-choice groups within the next thirty days.” The group claims to be “not one group, but many. We are in your city. We are in every city.” Since then, Jane's Revenge has been threatening and committing vandalism against pro-life organizations of many kinds, including pregnancy help organizations. The FBI is taking this very seriously and has an open investigation on Jane's Revenge. 

Intimidation of pregnancy centers is not a new tactic, and, sadly, pro-abortion extremists have long hated pregnancy centers. However, the temperature reached new heights on the abortion issue in 2022. Well, it may not be fresh in the news anymore, but pregnancy centers are still targeted - especially during holidays and around anniversaries like the day of the Dobbs decision, June 24. It's hard to say when an abortion advocate will decide to organize an act of vandalism, a fake client inflitration, or harrassment. This is a time to review your safety and security policies and procedures, retrain your volunteers and staff as necessary, and be especially vigilant about your surroundings. Here are five more tips to better prepare and protect your pregnancy center now and in the days to come.

Security Systems

Invest in security systems and cameras both inside and outside your center. While this requires an investment of fiscal resources, a security system with cameras may deter criminal activity helps create a record that can be provided to law enforcement if, God-forbid, something does happen. Many companies that provide security systems and devices offer a free consultation and provide recommendations to protect your center. This would be a good ask for a certain level donor.

Local Law Enforcement

This is a great opportunity to build a relationship with local law enforcement! Most departments, particularly rural departments, would be happy to perform a walkthrough and security assessment of your center. Take this opportunity to share with them what the center does for women and to ask for their expertise about security. Ask them to identify vulnerabilities in your center’s security. Ask them to show you where they would allow protesters to congregate and to explain what the center should do if protesters trespass or engage in threatening behavior. Keep in mind that you could extend this invitation either to the City Police or the County Sheriff if they share jurisdiction. Building a relationship with a local law enforcement official might make it easier to call upon them if your center experiences threats.

You can also hire police on “special duty.” This involves an investment of funds and is usually available on a pre-scheduled basis, rather than in response to an ongoing situation. Your local law enforcement agency can advise you about the conditions for hiring a special duty officer. This option might be especially helpful if you become aware of a planned protest at your center or in your area. A special duty officer can assist with keeping people off the center’s property and act as a deterrent to property damage or violence.

Finally, you should mention the Jane’s Revenge threat to law enforcement if your pregnancy center contacts them for help with protesters or vandalism. Explaining the current climate with the Dobbs decision and the vandalism documented may be beneficial in keeping local law enforcement apprised should a need arise in the future. Threats of violence or vandalism of a PHO can be submitted to your local FBI Field Office or through the FBI Tip Line at FBI.gov and also through state and major urban area fusion centers. They are owned and operated by state and local entities, and are designated by the governor of their state.  Sometimes, this prompts a faster response than a local Police Department can or would provide. The FBI is taking this very seriously and has an open investigation on Jane's Revenge. Click here for an FBI resource booklet.

Property Considerations

Private property owners can set their own rules for speech and protest activities on their property. The center is not required to allow protesters on its private property. Therefore, it is important to know the location of the property lines where your center is located. Is your center’s parking lot private property? Once protesters are on private property, they are trespassing, and you could contact law enforcement to ask for their removal. Keep in mind that protesters may be entitled to protest on public sidewalks.

If applicable, you may also consider talking to your landlord to find out what the landlord expects from the center in the event of protesters. If you are in a plaza or office space shared with other tenants, your landlord may be especially interested in ensuring that protesters do not disrupt the other businesses as well, and your landlord may be an ally in interfacing with police or installing cameras or barriers to deter protestors.

Policies & Procedures

Now is the time to revisit your Center’s policies and procedures relating to security and evaluate them given the intensifying extremism by the pro-choice movement. Here are a few policies and procedures we recommend you implement:

  • Do not leave one employee to lock up the center by themselves. There should always be at least two people to close the center and ensure each other’s safety. Ensure that anyone involved in locking up knows how to turn on any security system that is installed.
  • Be cautious about having packages delivered to your center and consider having mail delivered to a P.O. box instead of your center’s physical location. Likewise, if a package or anything looks suspicious near your center, contact your local authorities immediately.
  • Pay attention to local social media and see what is trending in your area. If you are concerned with anything that you see, contact local law enforcement and have them review what you found.
  • Take any threats seriously and work with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of your volunteers, staff, and clients.


The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (“FACE Act”) likely applies to your center and could be a very powerful tool in dealing with protestors. The FACE Act prohibits violent, threatening, damaging and obstructive behavior towards anyone obtaining or providing reproductive health services. Violators of the FACE Act could be fined or even imprisoned. The Act also provides civil remedies to the victims, including compensatory and punitive damages, as well as injunctive relief. The FACE Act provides for statutory damages, making it even easier to recover money from protesters who violate it. If protesters outside your clinic attempt to block or impede access to the clinic, to intimidate your clients, or cause property damage, please contact Heartbeat to discuss your options. We have been informed that from the FBI's perspective, pregnancy help organizations are covered under the FACE Act. Click here for an FBI resource booklet.

While we hope that you never need use of this information, it is always good to take the opportunity to review your security policies with staff and volunteers and ensure that you are ready, just in case.

Ezekiel 38:7
“Be ready and keep ready, you and all your hosts that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them.”

What to Do if Your Center is Vandalized

While attacks on pregnancy help organizations have slowed significantly since the Dobbs decision, anniversaries (like June 24 for the Dobbs decision), holidays (particularly long weekends), and various news events can easily reignite ire from abortion advocates. 

According to a 2022 survey, 1 in 6 PHOs experienced targeted harassment ranging from fake online reviews to vandalism, including destruction of property in May or June of 2022.

Heartbeat has created a growing resource that goes over many practical steps that you can take to protect your center, its personnel, and its clients, which you can find here. But what if you arrive at your center to find it vandalized?

  1. Ensure your immediate safety. If there appears to be any suspicious or dangerous activity presently occurring, alert those who are expected to arrive at your center in the coming hours and encourage them to await further instruction. We would not recommend that you attempt to engage with vandals or arsonists (or worse). Instead, call 911.
  2. For non-emergent scenarios contact your local police through its non-emergency number. Explain what you see, and request that an officer come out to make a police report. This is very important for recovering funds from insurance, encouraging the police to increase its presence near your center, and, potentially in a case against the perpetrators. Threats of violence or vandalism of a PHO can be submitted through the FBI Tip Line at FBI.gov. Sometimes, this prompts a faster response than a local Police Department can or would provide. The FBI is taking this very seriously and has an open investigation on Jane's Revenge.
  3. Alert your Board. Your board is part of your team, so be certain that they are in the know and a part of your plan.
  4. Preserve the Evidence. As far as possible, do not touch or move anything at the scene. Preserve the evidence exactly as you found it.
  5. Document the Damage. Take pictures of the damage. If there are any written messages in the vandalism, be sure to take pictures that ensure that the messages can be read clearly. Write down as many details as you know or can remember about the potential timing of the attack, when you arrived at the center, what you saw, who you called, what you told them. If you have security cameras (you should!), obtain whatever footage you can obtain. The police may take your pictures, notes, and security footage, but be sure to keep a copy of everything. Document the name and badge number of the officer(s) you work with (if it is not on the police report).
  6. Contact Heartbeat. There may be certain legal remedies available to a center that is persecuted by these activities. If a connection can be drawn between the vandalism or arson of a number of different centers, that may open up even more legal options. We are better together – even in Court! You can contact us by emailing Beth Diemert, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and please CC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

These are troubling times, and it is natural to feel intimidated or nervous. “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3. As you walk compassionately with women, offering them help and hope, “be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6.

Heartbeat is here for you. We are inspired by you. We are fighting alongside you. And we are praying for you.