What if every client in your center learned:
- To respect her body…
- To understand the ingredients of healthy relationships…
- To achieve sexual wholeness…
- To value life…
How different would her decisions be?
What has been missing in our culture for too long is the “big picture” of Sexual Integrity™– passing a message of sexual wholeness, purity, and passion from one generation to the next.
The Sexual Integrity™ Program is designed to teach women how to walk in sexual wholeness in all areas of their life – physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual. This biblically-based program is a valuable tool inside the pregnancy resource center.
Benefits of implementing The Sexual Integrity™ Program
Stronger client outcomes.
The ability to continue building the relationship with all of your clients week after week.
A reduction in the number of return pregnancy tests visits per client.
Women empowered and educated to make healthier choices with their bodies, reducing sexual activity outside of marriage. Therefore, reducing the following:
- Abortion
- Other health risks associated with STDs/STIs and abortion
- Out-of-wedlock births
- Single-parent families
- Fractured families
- Divorce
- Miscarriage
- Premature births
- Poverty
- Domestic violence
- Child abuse
- Evangelization opportunities increase as you spend more time with clients, and they learn more about God’s blueprint for sexual integrity.
Your center’s reputation enhanced as a provider of more complete reproductive health education.
Volunteers well-trained on the major topics related to sexual activity, and, therefore, more confident in their interaction with all clients.
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Sexual Integrity™ Program Trainings 
Does your center plan to bring the bright future of God’s plan for sexuality to women in your community? Heartbeat’s nationally-recognized consultants in the area of sexual integrity training can personalize the techniques and illuminate key areas of knowledge such as healing the trauma of sexual abuse, the reproductive system, and the Biblical foundation for God’s plan for our sexuality. Contact us today to schedule a training in your area or enroll in our Sexual Integrity Program Online Training today.
Sexual Integrity™ Program Trainings qualify toward the Life Affirming Specialist (LAS) designation.