Using Your Gifts to Bring Hope

by Andrea Trudden, Communications and Marketing DirectorYourGifts
Heartbeat International

As you open your doors and greet your first client, take heart in knowing that you may be the one source of light she encounters today. We know the battles these women face. The challenges they endure. In some cases, the abuse they suffer. And yet, they found you!

You are the whisper in the chaos that lets her know there is still hope! And God guided her to you.

She is a daughter of a mighty God who is above all else. He is greater than any obstacle that she sees and through His strength, she can accomplish much more than she could ever imagine. And you get to share that great news with her.

What a gift you are to her!

What a gift you are to us.

Being called into this movement is a gift. He calls us because we each play an intricate role in advancing a culture of life.

He has blessed each of us with different strengths with an intention. Some people you know, maybe you, have a natural talent to inspire the people around them to give of their time, gifts or talents. Others, an amazing attention to detail that keeps your schedule and your organization running like a well-oiled machine. Still some, the ability to empathize whole-heartedly with each person they encounter, connecting with clients in a meaningful way.

“For the body is not one part, but many.” 1 Corinthians 12:14 (NASB)

By possessing different strengths and using them to work together, we see true change. And through change, we see life!

We may not always understand the skills of those around us, and some people may downright confuse us at times, and yet each and every one of us has a role to play in this great work. Therefore, be encouraged to recognize the strengths of those around you and offer a word of affirmation to them.

We know the impact this has with our clients. How a smile and a word of encouragement can change their mindset in a moment! We know that when people have a feeling of belonging and significance, they are more confident and make positive choices in their lives.

The same is true for our family, friends, and colleagues.

We are each called to bring light into the darkness. Let us help others shine their light brighter as well!

Examples of Words of Affirmation

  • “I just want to let you know how proud of you I am.”
  • “You work really hard for us, and even when things may feel tough, I just want you to know how appreciative I am.”
  • “I feel so lucky to have you.”
  • “I am here if you need me and I want to help support you in any way I can.”
  • “You’re doing such a great job. I’m really proud of you.”
  • “Wow! You look so good! I really love the new outfit. It looks great on you!”