Let’s Remember to Celebrate!

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialistcelebrate

Our donors have earned our thanks. They are partners in the ministry in every sense of the word and we can't say this enough: Our donors sacrifice their hard-earned resources so that babies will experience life and moms and dads might experience abundant life.

These friends not only deserve our thanks, but our regular appreciation and celebration, too. So what might we celebrate?

If someone has been faithful to our ministry every month throughout an entire year, let's let them know. Whether through a special card or a small gift—they need to know that we know they are faithful.

Many ministries have donors who have stood the test of time for five, ten, even twenty or more years. Think of creative, cost-effective ways to let them know. Try to think of something thoughtful they will remember, and keep.

By the way, "cost effective" is important. Let's not turn our appreciation into, "If you give for 12 straight months we offer a gold-plated . . ."
After all, our supporters usually shy away from recognition—this isn't to be commercialized.

Keep a database of the most faithful; those who have stayed with the ministry over time in different ways. Many will be monthly supporters; others will be those who give regularly in other ways, or who can always be counted on to major gifts.

This is a subjective list; you will know best as you begin to put the list together.

When our ministry reaches a milestone (1,000th client, 500th baby born—you get the picture), let's make sure our most faithful friends know.

We can create a little card with our announcement, send it to these friends and say, "Dear John and Jane . . . Just thought you would want to know—you've played such a major role in this milestone!"

The bottom line? Stay in touch with those who mean so much to us—building relationships that last.

Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.