The Crucial Role of "Ambassador"

Boards of Excellence: Assisting Pregnancy Center boards in fulfilling their missionambassador

The board of directors plays many roles in a ministry, from visionaries to decision-makers to guardians of the ministry's public trust.

At board meetings we might be evaluating the chief executive or creating competitive benefits packages, making sure our staff is compensated justly. But outside of the board room we have a role just as vital: Ambassador.

Many of our constituents will judge our ministry by more than the newsletter, the events or even what they perceive to be going on inside our doors on a regular business day: They will evaluate our ministry based on the board members and the way we represent the organization.

So what are a few ideas on how we can be effective Ambassadors?

Name Tags
Really? Is that all there is to this? No, but this is a beginning: Every board member should have his or her own permanent name badge (not one of those cheap, plastic badges—let's go for metal) telling constituents at events: Mary Jones—Board of Directors. This is a seemingly small touch, but a first impression like this makes a difference. At any ministry function where the public is involved, we ought to wear these in order to send a message of credibility.

Tweet this: At any ministry function where the public is involved, we ought to wear these in order to send a message of credibility.

As an Ambassador, why not write a note to those friends who support the ministry financially, once a year? Each board member should have a list of donors (some ministries will include amounts for board members, others may choose not to do so). Pick out a number of friends who we can thank, and jot a note to each. Most Christians give to seven ministries but in times of economic uncertainty, this number drops to three. These notes will likely make our ministry one of the three.

Invite others
An Ambassador makes introductions. Pick three friends in 2015 who are not currently giving to the ministry, but whom you believe could, if they knew more. Invite them to lunch (or perhaps have an evening of dessert at your home for all of them) and include your executive director. Make the introduction, allow them to begin a relationship with your ministry's leader. This could lead to long-term ministry funding.

Three short ideas, none of which are time consuming. An Ambassador does all three and the ministry is stronger for years to come.

 Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.