Stuck? Assistance is Easy to Find

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialiststuck

Boards of Excellence

For pregnancy help ministry boards, it is easy to get consumed by major obstacles. When we face big challenges however, there is good news: Help is not far away.

Many sister organizations have likely walked in our particular shoes, and once faced the same challenges we are facing.

Tweet this! Often, major hurdles are overcome by capturing the counsel of those who have walked our road before.

Often, major hurdles are overcome by capturing the counsel of those who have walked our road before.

How do we find that help? Here are a few ideas:

Make Connections
As a board, make it a priority to send representatives to conferences and make professional connections with other board members (Note: the 2015 Heartbeat International Conference is April 7-10 in St. Louis, MO). Getting to know other board members in other areas, or across a state, brings more wisdom to the table.

One to Follow, One to Lead
Make it a point to create a close connection with another ministry geographically close by that you believe is on the same journey as yours, but has walked more steps on the path. Perhaps this organization is older; or has a larger client base and/or budget than your own. As questions come up, this ministry may be able to help with answers.

At the same time, offer assistance to a nearby ministry wanting to get to where you are. Be a sounding board.

As board chairmen reach out to each other in these ways, we all grow.

Check in with Your Affiliate Network
Whether statewide or nationally, your affiliate network may have answers for you. Utilize its expertise and its connections to dozens, hundreds or thousands of ministries when you're "stuck." For instance, Heartbeat International fields questions daily from its more than 1900 affiliates around the world.

Stuck? Whether the issue be fundraising, staffing or a new initiative that doesn't seem to be getting off the ground, help is on the way. All a board needs to do is access the assistance and counsel already in place.


Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.