So, what is Heartbeat's Sexual Integrity Program?

Based on biblical principles found in the book of Genesis, The Sexual Integrity Program (SIP) also draws inspiration from on The Theology of the Body and Pope John Paul II's Encyclical, Humanae Vitae.

SIP, designed for use inside the pregnancy help center, teaches women how to walk in sexual wholeness in all areas of their life – physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual.

integrityFour Biblical Pillars form the foundation of the program.

  • Pillar One: A Focus on Relationships (Genesis 1:27)
  • Pillar Two: A Focus on Marriage (Genesis 2:24)
  • Pillar Three: A Focus on Fertility (Genesis 1:28)
  • Pillar Four: A Focus on Wholeness (Genesis 2:25)

Centers that offer SIP have more effective client outcomes. The ability to continue building the relationship with clients week after week by offering them a new way of living leads to a reduction in the number of return pregnancy tests visits per client.

Women who learn about sexual wholeness feel empowered. They have the new knowledge that helps them make healthier choices with their bodies, reducing sexual activity outside of marriage.

Other outcomes that centers see when the use SIP include Evangelization opportunities that increase as centers spend more time with clients sharing God’s blueprint for sexual integrity. The center’s reputation is enhanced as a provider of more complete reproductive health education. Volunteers become more knowledgeable on the major topics related to sexual activity, and, therefore, more confident in their interaction with all clients.

Learn more about what The Sexual Integrity Program can offer your center.