Displaying items by tag: abortion pill reversal

Lives Saved



"While being mentored [at the pregnancy center], I was finding my worth and who I was not only as a female but as a strong, single mom."

- Brittni, Brantlee's mom


"If it weren’t for [the] PRC and the continued support I received there, there’s a good chance I would have given into pressure from the twins’ father and went to Planned Parenthood to talk about my options..."

- Kelsey, mom of twins


"I could not imagine my life without my baby boy. I’m so glad I picked up my phone that day and looked for help..."

- Ashley, Julian’s mom


"Words could never describe the love and life this reversal has given me. Thank you to all the people who work to provide this information. They are truly angels."

- Kristina, Christian’s mom


Every story below represents a woman's experience with a pregnancy help organization, including several stories that involve the abortion pill reversal protocol through the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network. While the support and care they received may differ depending on each woman's specific needs, their life-changing experience made them feel compelled to share their story with us! Their courage to share their story is underlined by their desire that no one ever feel like abortion is their only option. Today, these women and their babies thrive!


pho1 Autumn    pho2 Brittni    pho3 Mackenzie    pho4 Mary   

pho5 Nadya    pho6 Janai    pho7 Kelsey    pho8 Magalia   

pho9 Jacqueline    pho10 Whitney    pho11 Halie    pho12 Kailee   

pho13 Savannah    pho14 Lourdes    pho15 Mapi    pho16 Zayda   

pho17 Nikki    pho18 Kahlia    pho19 Acacia    pho20 Marcella   

pho21 Paula    pho22 JessicaG    pho23 Shelly    pho24 Tasha   

pho25 Sarah    pho26 Ahna    pho27 April    pho28 Teka   

pho29 Faith    pho30 Khalilah    pho31 Michelle    pho32 Kynnedi   

pho33 LauraL    pho34 Diana    pho35 Elisa    pho36 Chelsea   

pho37 Victoria    pho38 Matennah    pho39 MichelleM    pho40 Brittany   

pho41 AprilH    pho27 EmilyB    pho27 Laura    pho27 Brittany   

pho27 Kylie    pho27 Ruth    pho42 Danielle    pho43 Evalynn   

pho44 Kayla    pho45-Kendra.png    pho46-Anahi.png   


Real Lives, Real Help

Thousands of lives have been saved thanks to the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network. Here are just a few of their stories:


APRN1 Angela    APRN2 Ashley    APRN3 Jessica    APRN4 Sarah   

APRN5 Shashana    APRN6 Ashley    APRN7 Kristina    APRN8 Wisdom   

APRN9 Emily    APRN10 Misdy    APRN11 Cassidy    APRN12 Ashley   

APRN13 Kayla    APRN14 Katelynn    APRN15 Krystle    APRN16 Sara   

APRN17 Sara    APRN18 Elizabeth   

Tagged under

Consider Joining the Abortion Pill Rescue Network!

Picture1 APRN Picture2 APRN

Christian was rescued from a chemical abortion in 2016.

What should a woman do if she starts a chemical abortion and has regrets?

A woman who would like to learn more about reversing the effects of chemical abortion and possibly continuing her pregnancy should call the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) hotline at 877-558-0333 or go to the APR website to begin a live chat. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network™ (APRN) has nurses waiting to answer questions, explain reversal, and connect her with an APR provider in her area.

How does a medical professional enroll in the Abortion Pill Rescue Network?

Healthcare professionals with prescribing privileges can go to our provider website, click Join Our Medical Network, and specify that you would like to "provide progesterone treatment.” After receiving the information, we will confirm eligibility and add the medical provider and/or clinic to the APR Provider list. This list is used by our nurses when a client in your area requests a reversal.

We will also send you the APR Kit, which includes a program description, protocol, and documents used throughout the reversal process as well as several research articles.

How do Pregnancy Help Organizations enroll in the Abortion Pill Rescue Network?

A Pregnancy Help Medical Clinic (PHMC) offering APR services provides progesterone by dispensing onsite or through a prescription, confirming the viability and dating of the pregnancy with ultrasound, and the prescribing physician sees the patient (either at the center or in his/her office), ideally within 72 hours.

The other option for centers is to become a "consulting" center. These centers educate and refer for APR and offer free ultrasounds. They seek funding for clients in their community who cannot pay for the progesterone prescription or appointment. And they offer pregnancy and community support for women who have attempted reversal. This is the link to enroll as an APR provider or consulting center.

For more information about APRN, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Picture3 APRN

APRN Medical Director, Dr. Brent Boles, and APRN Advisory Team: Dr. Matt Harrison, Dr. George Delgado, Dr. William Lile, Dr. Julie McDonald, Dr. Karen Poehailos and Dr. Catherine Stark.

But where is He?

by Ashley Vance, RN, BSN, LAS, Heartbeat International Healthcare Team Manager

The saints will throw their crowns at His feet. The angels cry out “Holy, Holy, Holy!” Every knee will bow and tongue will confess.

He sits on the most glorious throne reigning over a kingdom so magnificent the streets are gold, and our human mind can’t even begin to comprehend it.

He is the ultimate power, love, truth, and righteousness.

But where is He?

He is everywhere, and He is with every single woman regretting her abortion. Imagine seeing all of them. From the beginning of time until the very last. Every single life lost from around this fallen world—He knows them by name.

He brought them into existence, lovingly knit them together, and cares so much for every single one.

He is with the woman in the bathroom desperately trying to throw up the pill, the one searching the internet from the parking lot of the abortion clinic, and the one who can’t sleep at night heartbroken over what she’s done.

He leads them, He guides them, He gives them eyes to see and ears to hear. He shows them love, mercy, and He guides them to APRN. The rescue, the hope, the second chance, and the network that loves them too!

Sowing Life

by Jonathan Clemens, ThM, PA-CSowingLife

We should all be familiar with the parable of the sower. It appears in all three synoptic Gospels in substantially the same form. Matthew 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8 all have the same soils in the same order. It’s often mistaught in churches, so much so that most people think it is a parable about how to be good soil. That is a culturally nonsensical interpretation: farmers didn’t change soil in the 1st century, they made do with what was there.

As modern Americans, we look on the parable of the sower through the lens of modern scientific agriculture that reshapes the earth to conform to our farming methods, and a lens of discipleship that makes spiritual growth substantially our personal responsibility. The sower does nothing modern: he simply scatters seed, without any attempt to control where it lands. Our modern efficiency cringes to think that seed actually landed on the packed earth of a walking path: after all, couldn’t the yield per seed be increased by focusing only on the good soil?

And that is Jesus’s actual point: rather than attempting to control the casting of the seed — the Word — we are to treat it as a limitless resource, spreading it far and wide, because the less-than-universal occasions when it sinks deeply into good soil are worth every single failed evangelism effort. Every single brief conversion and quick relapse, every single heart harder than the path, every single entangled “it’s complicated” life: all the failures are eclipsed by the joy of all-too-rare abundant success.

Let's relate this to abortion pill reversal. As a prescribing practitioner, I talk to or text with any number of women, dozens so far. The parallel to the soils is frustrating. Some do not have rides to a pharmacy. Others request a prescription and change their minds. Others have neither insurance coverage nor money to pay for the progesterone. One had a rare medical condition that might have been exacerbated by progesterone, and so she politely declined to proceed. If you’re keeping score, the 64 to 68% success rate seems great, but in reality, there are plenty of things that keep women from accessing abortion pill reversal even when they have taken the initiative to call the hotline.

In speaking with another Abortion Pill Rescue Network prescriber in my state, he lamented that so few women actually picked up the prescriptions he called in. He has a point: many women desire reversal but do not follow through. They have their own tragedies to deal with, and I wish each of them had the support and access and resources to never feel the need to abort their unborn child in the first place.

So we scatter seeds. Nurses answer the phone, knowing that many of the moms who call will not proceed with reversal. I talk to the moms sent to me, again knowing that many will not follow through. Even with timely progesterone, sometimes it doesn’t work. Had it been too long since the poisoning of the abortion pill? Was the baby too young? We hypothesize factors leading to successful reversal, but certainty eludes us.

Likewise, we don’t know the impact of the lives saved; by the time these children who lived have their impact on the world, many of us will have long since retired or died. What we do know is that every life is valuable because all are made in the image of God.

He who knit each of us together inside our mothers’ wombs is faithful and true. He does not tire, nor should we who offer life to the unborn and a second chance at choice to their mothers.

And so, we continue to scatter seeds praying that the next lands in good soil, giving us a chance to help a new life thrive.

Katelynn's Abortion Pill Reversal Story

Watch as Katelynn shares her reversal success story.


We found out we were pregnant on Christmas day. At first we were really excited! It was the most amazing Christmas gift we could ever have. At the same time, it was really scary because we have other kids we needed to care for. I had lost my job and my husband was struggling with his business. I just couldn’t see how we could possibly feed and care for another child.

My husband said he would support me whatever my decision and my decision was that I needed to abort this baby. I talked to Planned Parenthood - they seemed so knowledgeable and I thought I just needed to push through and get it done quickly; that would be the easiest way. That was a big mistake.

I took the first pill. All that night, I was awake. I knew in my heart that what I had done was just wrong. “Is it too late? Can I do something else?” I Googled what to do if you want to reverse an abortion and that is when Heartbeat International came up.

While I waited for my appointment the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network helped schedule for me, I was just praying that there was still a Heartbeat... and there was!

Aubrey Lynn was born August 24 weighing 8 pounds and one ounce that included 10 sweet fingers and 10 cute little toes! We know she is going to have a great future. She has parents who love her. God sent her to us and I think she is going to do amazing things!

Interested in helping more women like Katelynn? Visit hbi.life/socialgive to give today.

Advertising Abortion Pill Reversal in Your Community

With chemical abortion being the primary form of abortion today, it is important that women are aware that choices are available to them even after taking the first abortion pill. No one should ever feel that they must complete a medical process they no longer desire or consent to. However, some may not know how to get the help they need. 

For anyone in need of reversal assistance, our team is available to help 24/7 by phone, chat and email.

Effective advertising means to reach the masses through social media. However, it’s important to be sensitive to any restrictions. For example,  avoid any language that gives the appearance of selling medication. The more hopeful and uplifting the better. And, sadly, try to avoid the words “abortion pill” whenever possible when purchasing an ad.


Here are some places pregnancy help organizations have recently advertised Abortion Pill ReversalTM in their communities:

  • Geofencing (Extend Web Services can help with this!)
  • Share on social media via posts or paid ads
  • Place a sign in your lobby/waiting room area
  • Pass out flyers at events to spread awareness
  • Park benches near abortion clinics
  • Billboards (see Heartbeat’s design recommendations)
  • Newspaper advertising and editorial commentary
  • Yard signs
  • Bathroom ads (restaurants and other public locations)


If you don’t already have an Abortion Pill ReversalTM page on your website, consider adding one as it increases your chance of appearing high in organic search results for searches related to the abortion pill.

We ask that you include our website (abortionpillreversal.com) and number (877.558.0333) in advertising so the women know where to immediately reach out anytime, day or night. Our medical staff is experienced in answering questions and explaining reversal. They assess health concerns that might require immediate medical attention and quickly connect women with an Abortion Pill Rescue® Network provider and to your center for support as quickly as possible. To join the Abortion Pill Rescue Network as a provider or consulting center, click here!

The Right Dose

By Laura Berry, MBAAbortionPillReversal.com

Sometimes, a dose of hope and medicine is enough to set a life—or two—back in motion.

When Emily S. of Huntington, California, found out she was pregnant, at first, to her, hope looked like an abortion.

Only twenty-two years old and raising a six-year-old daughter alone, Emily saw the prospect of having another child as overwhelming, especially amid a pandemic and so much uncertainty. In fact, it felt impossible.

Little did she know, she not only had the support of her family, but also a community pregnancy help organization ready to serve her and Blessings International’s commitment to provide long before the hour of need. But she just couldn’t see it.

All she could see was a quick fix.

And so, without anyone’s knowledge, she sought out a chemical abortion.

The next day, she was having lunch with her uncle when she mentioned what she had done. All her uncle could say was, “But, Emily, why?”

“I just couldn’t do it.” So much tension had been released by simply telling someone. She could now feel the tears threatening. “I couldn’t raise another kid alone. I just couldn’t…”

In the moments that followed, as her uncle put his hand on her shoulder and promised that Emily would always have his support as well as her mom’s, everything that was lined up and ready to save a life, began to fall into place.

Picking up her phone with shaking hands, Emily found the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline and was directed to a local pregnancy center that had just received their Blessings International shipment of progesterone.

Now the only question that remained was whether there was still time.

As soon as Emily arrived at the clinic, staff members performed an ultrasound. Sure enough, the baby was alive.

There were only a couple of bottles of progesterone on the pharmacy shelf, but once in Emily’s hands, it was all that was needed. The progesterone therapy came just in time, and when Emily returned within a week, the next ultrasound showed that the baby was well and growing quickly.

Whether hope looks like a promise or a bottle of progesterone, the biggest blessings often come in small doses. Thankfully for Emily and her baby, her dose of hope came at just the right time, in just the right form.

To learn more about Blessings International and how they supply pregnancy centers across the United States with progesterone, essential medicines, prenatal vitamins, and medical supplies geared toward pregnancy centers, visit https://blessing.org/prc/ and ask about the 40% discount and free shipping.

To refer someone to the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline, visit www.abortionpillreversal.com or call 1-877-558-0333. There is a hotline with nurses available 24/7 to assist women who are seeking reversal. This team refers to more than 1,000 providers in the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, including the pregnancy center that helped this young woman, that provide hope for those seeking to reverse their chemical abortion. 

Google's actions against Abortion Pill Reversal

By now, you have probably seen that Google has banned any and all advertising efforts promoting Abortion Pill Reversal. This life-saving protocol has been pulled down under a new Google policy that bans "unreliable claims." 

Unfortunately, Google is wrong. Time and again, we have seen the power of Abortion Pill Reversal in the mothers' gratitude and the babies' smiles. Statistics show thousands of lives have been saved thanks to Abortion Pill Reversal and you, those on the frontlines meeting with women and offering true choice.

Thankfully, in spite of the ads being pulled, women are still finding the APRN for help. Through sidewalk advocates, pregnancy centers, word of mouth, and organic search results, we are still seeing reversal starts! 

Women who find our Network do so out of an inherent motherly instinct to save her baby's life in a way that, sadly, Google would rather they never know about. These women find our Abortion Pill Rescue Network primarily through Google searches. More than 90% of our contacts come from online referrals - both paid and organic.

Big Tech's censorship of Abortion Pill Reversal denies women the right to try to save their pregnancies. It makes completing the chemical abortion the only option for them.  

We know the truth. Reversal works for 2 out of 3 women. While Google claims Abortion Pill Reversal is an "unreliable claim," we get to see in the flutter of the heartbeat on our ultrasound machines; the tears of happiness on the mom's face; and the relief in her voice when we get to tell her that she was able to save her baby's life. 

In fact, just this past Friday, the Charlotte Lozier Institute published a report showing the efficacy of Abortion Pill Reversal. 

Heartbeat International and our pro-life friends are working hard to fight this attack by Big Tech and will continue to do so. Every woman deserves to know the whole truth about abortion; that includes the facts about her unborn child, and the choices she can make every step of the way.

If your organization is experiencing issues having your digital ads approved, read What You Can Do Right Now About "Unreliable Claims"

Keep fighting the good fight! We're here for you.

Dr. Boles

Brent Boles, M.D.
APRN Medical Director


A Life Saved

kaylaby Brooke Myrick BSN, RN, LAS

“With zero hesitation I called the number and was answered by a very kind, helpful and empathetic representative who listened to my concern. She was so caring and really helped me feel a great sense of hope. She handled my call with genuine care, but urgency, as she explained that the agency would locate an APR provider in my area who would be able to administer the progesterone and provide me with special and closely monitored maternity care.

"I felt a calm come over me that I was in the right vein where God wanted me to be and to just trust that He is now in control of the situation! God gave me the name Serenity Grace and I believe she brings just that to my life in a very deep and meaningful way! With His help, guidance, inner healing, love, and goodness I made it to FULL TERM. At 39 weeks on January 27, 2021, my miracle baby arrived!” - Kayla, APR Client

These are the stories that bring APR to life! Statistics now show that more than 2,500 lives have been saved (and counting) as women successfully stop their chemical abortions and save their children through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.

What should a woman do if she starts a chemical abortion and is having regret?

A woman who would like to learn more about reversing the effects of chemical abortion and possibly continuing her pregnancy should call the Abortion Pill Rescue hotline 877.558.0333 or go to the APR website to begin a live chat. Heartbeat International has medical professionals waiting to answer her questions, explain reversal, and connect her with an APR Network Provider in her area 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

While Google may have taken down the ability to advertise for APR, AbortionPillReversal.com website, phone, and chat are still available and can be found organically through a search. We continue to be available for women. We need your help now more than ever to promote this life-saving protocol. 

To receive an APR Provider Kit or for additional information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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